Dogs6 winter exercise tips for your dogIt’s getting colder and colder outside, there are less daylight hours, however your dog still needs his daily physical and mental work...
DogsTIPS TO HELP WITH SEPARATION ANXIETYAfter a long and hard day at work, you come home to a jumping, spinning, and very high energy filled dog. You walk into your living room,...
Dogs6 WAYS TO CHALLENGE YOUR DOG’S MINDJust like we get bored, dogs get bored also if they have nothing to do or if they do the same thing all the time. Keeping a dog mentally...
DogsHOW TO HELP THE DOG POPULATIONThere are hundreds of millions of unwanted and abandoned animals in the world, who are without food, shelter or families. Often, these...
DogsHOW TO BE CALMThe one thing that I tell my clients over and over again is to be calm. It is crucial with your dogs but it’s a good approach in life as...