DogsTIPS TO HELP WITH SEPARATION ANXIETYAfter a long and hard day at work, you come home to a jumping, spinning, and very high energy filled dog. You walk into your living room,...
Dogs6 WAYS TO CHALLENGE YOUR DOG’S MINDJust like we get bored, dogs get bored also if they have nothing to do or if they do the same thing all the time. Keeping a dog mentally...
DogsCRATE TRAINING AN ADULT DOGThere are many reasons why you might need to teach your adult dog to be calm and relaxed in a crate. Maybe he was never properly house...
DogsCRATE TRAININGDogs are den animals. They like having a space that is all theirs. There are many reasons to crate train a new puppy. It can help with...
DogsSEPARATION ANXIETYThe term “separation anxiety” is used by many dog owners to describe a dog that seems stressed when the owner leaves. This is a behavior...